A. amira pradsya paramita
1) Do you love this person?
sayang sbg temeeen :D
2) Is this person your enemy?
nangis nanti dia HAHA
3) Is this person taller than you?
HAHA lebihlebih wkwk
B. brilly cahyo krisetyadi
1) What do you really think of this person?
ramee baik bodor :)
2) What’s his favourite colour?
3) Do you ever think about dating him/her ?
kasiiaaaan nanti shinta maraah heheee
C. chummy chan panggilanku = gyats
1) Do you like this person?
suka tp pulsa tu org tp autis jd gmn yaa?wkwk
2) Where did you meet this person?
sekolah n lia
3) How old is he/she?
tuink seumuran mereun
D. danang putra ramadhan
1) How long have you known him/her?
uda lamaaa temen sd :D
2) Biggest regret?
pernah ngalaahin gue rengking 1 ayey
3) Do you like him / her?
haha like sbg temen its okaay
E. evan noorsaid
1) Have you met their parents?
cm liat doang
2) Worst thing about this person?
suka ngatain gue beeeuh
3) Best thing about this person?
mmm baik sih tapi rada pelit HAHA piiss
F. ferdinan krisna bayu tiwa
1) Have you ever dated this person?
pacar nya org wkwk
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
kapaaan ya?masuk sekolaaaah
3) Do you go to school with them?
iiaa laaah haha
G. guzti eka putra
1) Is he/she a good listener?
kadang" hehe
2) Have you ever lied to this person?
pernaah kayanyaa hahaa x)
3) Is this person nice?
ga jg zzz
H. helmi fareka ~ im so sorry :(
1) What year are they born in?
2) Is he/she your best friend?
yaaaah iya deh
3) Ever done something illegal with this person?
HAHA maksut lo??wkwkwk rahasiaaa
I. ibrahim yusuf saputra
1) What is this person’s favourite food?
gatau ga ngurus haha
2) How did you meet this person?
di sekolaah waktu kelas 7 haha
3) Do you trust him/her?
sepertinya tidak hihi
J. jeremy jonathan
1) Do they have any siblings?
enggaa laah
2) Do you know her/his favourite song?
lagu nya a7x suka ga?haha
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?
hee?gkan pernaaaah
K. kemala indah pertiwi putri
1) How old were you when you first met?
kelas 7 gue umur brapaa?hehe
2) How did you meet?
di 7j.tapi pertama bgt mah nyari tempat pensil yg di umpetin pas mos HAHA
3) Ever danced with this person?
PERNAAAAH donk hahaa
L. luqman alabib
1) What would you do if you had never met this person?
gapapa ga ngaruh ama idup gue wkwk
2) Do you like him/her?
gilaa apaa
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
waaah kalo luqman mau baayaarin mah mau haha
M. mirdan syahid mulyana
1) Is this person older than you?
mm kayanyaaa
2) Is this person single?
iya deh
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?
haha kadang" ga sering amaat jd gataaaaau deh
N. nita mustika rahmawati
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
2) Have you seen this person cry?
pernah deh haha
3) Do you know this person's middle name?
mana ku tahu
O. odhi alias modii
1) Are you related?
2) Could you live with this person?
haha makan ph tiap harii donkk
3) Do you believe this person is gay?
hahaa gatau zz piss
P. povit estevasari
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
pernaah laah
2) How about a sleepover with them?
ya enggalaaah anehaneh ajaaa
3) Does this person have a job?
pelajaaaar ya ga vit?wkwk
Q. No one.
1) Does this person drink alcohol?
2) Have you seen this person dance?
R. rahadityo rahadian
1) Have you heard this person sing?
pernaah haha
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
3) What's one thing you would change about this person?
jgn gampang dibodoin yaa too
S. sharfina nisa hanifah
1) Is this person taller than you?
ga jg tapi kayanya ia
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?
3) Do they live close to you?
jaaauuh ahha
T. tiara friskadewi
1) Would you do anything for him/her?
kalo itu emg yg terbaik :)
2) Have you been to his/her house?
pernaah donk
3) Is this person a dipshit?
ga tuh hihi
U. ulfi ainun
1) Is this person in a relationship?
iia deh hihi
2) Do you know where he/she lives?
deket cmpaka
3) What colour hair does this person have?
item kyny
V. vaza alamnda
1) Do you see this person a lot?
dia makhluk gaib hihi
2) When did you meet her/him?
dolo fs skrng fb n ym !
3) Is this person your friend?
yaaaa donk
W. windy januari
1) Is this person quiet or loud?
hihihi banyakan loud nya piss
2) Name a friend that both of you are close too?
3) What colour eyes does this person have?
coklaat klo g slh
X. No one
1) Why are you friends with him/her?
2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them?
3) What is one thing you would change about him?
Y. yudistira ~ gada lg ~ sorii
1) Does this person wear make-up?
engga laah
2) Do you ever dated him/her?
3) What is their favourite sport?
basket bola x
Z. zulfikar ahmad
1) Does this person have MSN/AIM?
gadaaaaa n gatau
2) Ever gone shopping with him/her?
ga pernah
3) Does this person have any special skills?
iyaa deh
Friday, 21 August 2009
dari a - z temaan baikku :D
Posted by Annisa (R) at 10:30 0 comments
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